
Early Spring Fishing

The fishing is finally heating up as the weather slowly warms. I don't have quite as much time to fish this year because I'm actually selling real estate! But that makes the trips I do take twice as sweet. Here's a few pictures from the first outings of the year.

See what I mean, even on the way to the river I had to work! This is me installing a freshly minted Greyrock yardsign on of my listings which conveniently has river frontage. If I were to take 20 steps backward from where I'm standing in the picture below I would fall about 300 feet down a cliff into the river.
The Moose and I got caught in an un-forecasted spring snowstorm on our last fishing trip. It snowed 3 inches in about 15 minutes and then blue skies appeared.
The scenery in this spectacular canyon is almost enough to take your attention away from the fishing...
I said ALMOST!
The fish below and one of his friends followed a big streamer right up to the bank so I got a great visual, they swirled around the fly repeatedly, trying to decide if they wanted to eat it. Then one of them chomped and I got a little excited, set the hook too early and pulled it out of his mouth. I slammed it down in front of them once more and he ate again! This time I waited a bit longer and it was game on...
A pretty little rainbow
Gonna be a good year!

1 comment:

Nicole Roloff said...

she's a beaut clark . . .is this all the north fork?