
The Birds

Our favorite thing about the Ranch is all of the amazing songbirds we see & hear. Now that things are warming up, the birds are coming in droves! Here are some of the more unusual birds that we've seen.

Lazuli Bunting (above) - These guys have been visiting in droves... especially in the evening. There will be 4 to 5 swarming the feeder at once.

American Goldfinch - They are also a popular visitor. I've been told that they are Cindy's favorite. :)

Golden Eagle (?) - We have seen several golden & bald eagles down by the river, but this is our first (maybe) up by the house. We also have redtail hawks and turkey vultures... so that could be a possibility as well. It is hard to tell with this light. Check out the links & decide for yourself.

Black-headed Grosbeak - These guys are a daily vistor to the feeder. I love his fat beak.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird - They are all over the place. We can hear them coming from a long ways off... like Tinkerbell. Ryan says that when he's fishing on the river, he hears them almost constantly.

Spotted Towhee - This guy is our bird seed vacuume. He likes to pick up the seeds on the ground (Gunner participates in this job, too).

Western Meadowlark - This was the first "new" bird that we spotted this spring. They rarely come up to the house (we snapped this shot during our last snow fall). We frequently see them out on the phone lines and perched on the fence posts. Meadowlarks have the most unique call... if you're not familiar with it CLICK HERE to hear one.

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