
Ollie meets "his baby"

Unfortunately, Ollie wasn't allowed to come to the hospital to meet Nola due to a flu season rule prohibiting visitors under age 12. So Nicole & Josh brought Nola home yesterday to a very excited big brother. Nicole rushed in to see Ollie and after close examination of her belly he asked, "Is she out?" Josh brought Nola in the house and Ollie squirmed with excitement, gave her special flowers, begged to hold her, and brought out all of his baby toys for her. There is no doubt that he LOVES her! When Ryan arrived a couple minutes later, Ollie ran up to him with a big hug and said, "Rynie, did you see my baby!?!"

1 comment:

Linda B said...

Family of Four! Yeah! Ollie looks like so proud and happy. Mom looks fantastic and Dad proud as punch! Great capture!