
Redtails & Other Birds of Prey

We didn't realize that when we decided to put out bird feeders for the finches and sparrows that we were also becoming the feeding grounds for birds of prey. During the past week we've witnessed our friendly little birds being dive-bombed by kestrels & hawks! Up until this point the hawks have had little success. One slammed into our back window in pursuit and we had quite a laugh. But, honestly, it was only a matter of time before the hawks triumphed. Today a kestrel took one of our juncos. It celebrated it's victory by setting up roost near our picnic table! Here is a pic of one of the redtail hawks that was circling this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it safe to return? That is a rather intimidating shot! , but very impressive! Can't wait to see the next big event--a snake in the mouth--perhaps the relocated bull snake will meet his match. Love Momma Jenkins