
North Fork in the Fall

I fished the north fork on Thursday. This river fished spectacularly in the spring but during summer the water was very warm and low (not good for fishing), and the rattlesnakes were enjoying the few months a year that their body temps rise enough to allow them to slither around in the tall grass, yikes!.. Anyway, for these reasons I didn't fish this river all summer but now that we've had multiple nights of below freezing temps, the snakes are asleep and the trout are becoming more active in the cooling water. But the water is still low and extremely clear so fish can see the slightest movement on the streambank. Staying low and hidden behind trees and brush is pretty much manditory for success. The only good thing about fishing such clear water is the amazing visual experience of watching a large trout slowly swim over and gulp your fly off the surface. It's easy to get so excited that you set the hook before the fish has had a chance to eat!

For any fisherman reading, the fish below were taken with a black foam beetle and a #20 baetis nymph dropped 12 inches below. The first took the baetis the second ate the beetle off the top.

1 comment:

Scott Abbey Harrison and Henry said...

those fish look like the ones in the tank at that fish market downtown. nice try jenkins.