Cast n Blast!
Today was my first ever successful cast and blast. That's when you have a successful fishing and hunting trip in the same spot on the same day. This spot is just minutes from our house so I was home in time to make a fancy duck dinner. Here's some pics...
Christmas in Kemah
We celebrated Christmas morning a couple days early with a mountain of presents. We sat around in our pajamas nearly all day slowly making our way through the pile.That afternoon we made fresh tamales.
On Christmas Eve our extended family came over for lunch. It was so great to catch up with everyone.
Jolly's 30th Birthday
While we were in Texas for the holidays, we were able to all celebrate Jolly's birthday together. It was a great time of laughing and telling Jolly stories. He got a variety of gifts... including a giant onesie from Seth & Suzy.
Decked with Bells of Holly
We turned on the Christmas music and went to town decorating the house. What is it about a Christmas tree, lights, & stockings that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
O Christmas Tree
Today we drove up to Roosevelt National Forest with our close friends, Greg & Libby, to cut down our Christmas tree... while we were at it, we decided to get a pic with good ol' Smokey the Bear.
Brrrrrrrr. . .
It's been bitter cold lately! The Subaru clocked a record -17 degrees on Tuesday! This is Colorado, not the Arctic! Despite our better judgment, Ryan & I ventured outside for some snowy pics. Brrrrrr....
Yesterday I spent some time with my precious new niece, Nola. I think everyone will agree with me when I say, "She is perfect!" It's amazing to me that each of us started off this way. What an incredible miracle!
Ollie meets "his baby"
Unfortunately, Ollie wasn't allowed to come to the hospital to meet Nola due to a flu season rule prohibiting visitors under age 12. So Nicole & Josh brought Nola home yesterday to a very excited big brother. Nicole rushed in to see Ollie and after close examination of her belly he asked, "Is she out?" Josh brought Nola in the house and Ollie squirmed with excitement, gave her special flowers, begged to hold her, and brought out all of his baby toys for her. There is no doubt that he LOVES her! When Ryan arrived a couple minutes later, Ollie ran up to him with a big hug and said, "Rynie, did you see my baby!?!"
Magnolia "Nola" Ruth Roloff
Meet our precious new niece Magnolia "Nola" Ruth Roloff. The Roloff kiddos continue to keep us on our toes. While Ollie was born 1 month early, little Nola came two days late but in a hurry! Nicole woke up at 3:30am on Saturday morning, checked into the hospital at 4:55am, and Nola was born at 5:16am. Cindy & I were in the car on our way to the hospital when Josh called to tell us the news! We arrived and rushed in to find Josh grinning from ear to ear holding his beautiful baby girl. Nola is 7lbs, 7.5oz, 20 inches long, and practically perfect in every way.This sweet baby girl has so many people to love on her! We are so excited to meet her at last! All of the grandparents were able to see her on her birthday.