I stopped at the Poudre for a cast or two. It snowed 3 inches last night and warmed up today so the river flows were up which typically makes for some great fishing. Since 80% of the water that would naturally be in this river is diverted for agricultural and residential use, the river can actually stop flowing for periods of time during the dry spells in the summer and winter. The fish have to hunker down in the deepest holes just to survive. Water rights have been issue in the west for as long as people have lived here and the fish (and fisherman) don't have much of a say in the matter. All that to say I was thrilled to see the river flowing fast and deep and so were the fish. 3 hours yielded 9 beautiful trout. Katie let me take the fancy camera so I got some nice pics...
On My Way to Town
Our Garden
This weekend Josh & Ollie came up and we all went to town on the garden. Josh brought in 2 truckloads of compost and we roto-tilled, raked, weeded, and fenced to our hearts desire. The boys did most of the work, while I kept Ollie entertained and out of trouble. Dedicated to the end, Josh and Ryan finished the fencing yesterday in the snow. The finished product looks amazing!
Arches National Park, Utah
Last weekend, Josh, Nicole, Ollie, Ryan, & I all drove out to Grand Junction to visit our friend Greg Taylor. Arches National Park was only a hour and half drive from his house... so we took a day trip. It was amazing! I can't wait to go back.
Finalist in Wedding Photo Contest
I have been accepted as a finalist in a wedding photography contest!! The photo with the most public votes wins... Click on the following link to vote: Wedding Photography Contest