
Meet Our New Nephew: Jolly Samuel Jr.

We welcomed little Sam into the world today. He was born at 5:07pm and weighed 7 lbs 3oz. He is just beautiful! We are so proud!
Jolly called us at 1:30am Saturday morning to let us know that Cherie's water broke and that they were on their way to the hospital. She had steady labor all night and received the epidural at 7:30am. Ryan and I went to the hospital soon after that. Apparently, little Sam didn't like the epidural & the drop in Cherie's heart rate and the doctor was worried C-section may be necessary. Thankfully Sam started behaving himself! The remaining grandparents arrived around noon (Suzy was already there). And after a dose of Petocin, Sam was born at 5:07. I was honored that Jolly & Cherie wanted me to be there in the room. It was such a miracle!
Sadly, Nathan was unable to come. He spent the night at a friend's house on Friday and my parents were unable to get a hold of him in time. We missed him!
Three generations of Jollys. We wish that Boompa was here to see this!


Cindy said...

Wow, I can't believe you already have pictures. Of course I checked right away. He is just adorable and you captured(like always) the moment with amazing beauty and sweetness!
Thank you,
Aunt Cindy

Scott Abbey Harrison and Henry said...

We're so excited for your family! What a gift from God! Abbey and Scott

McClureFamily said...

Thanks so much for getting these pictures up so fast! I teared up, especially with the pictures of Sam looking at his son and the three Jolly's together. I also loved the group picture. I always have to confess and ask for forgiveness for jealousy when I see your pictures. :) Youre family is so blessed to have you to capture these priceless moments with perfection and we are grateful for the moments you have captures for us too. Love you! Corrie

Andy D said...

We are so very happy for the new parents and the new grandparents! Congratulations!

Andy and Erika!

Shauna & Chris said...

Congratulations! Samuel is too adorable. We hope to meet him some day soon.